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 n.  1.芽,萌芽,幼芽;蓓蕾,?朵;【动物;动物学】芽体,芽状凸起。 2.未成熟的人[东西];〔比喻〕少女,少年;〔美国〕刚进社交界的姑娘。 &...  detail>>
in bud
发芽期 孕蕾  detail>>
in the bud
未成熟或尚在发展的状态  detail>>
and the bud of the bud
芽之芽  detail>>
bud bud
布德布德  detail>>
accessory bud
【植物;植物学】副芽。   detail>>
active bud
活动芽 活性芽  detail>>
adventitious bud
不定芽  detail>>
adventitive bud
不定芽  detail>>
adventive bud
不定芽  detail>>
agrimony bud
鹤草芽  detail>>
air bud
蠢蛋 疯狂狗宝贝 金毛寻回犬 神犬也疯狂 神犬也入樽  detail>>
ambiparous bud
花叶兼备的芽  detail>>
apical bud
顶芽  detail>>
appendage bud
肢芽  detail>>